Friday 2 May 2014

Observations of Architecture Imax #1

This was a study of the Imax at the National Media Museum and was drawn using markers and taking about 25 minutes to complete.

This piece was created by layering marker strokes upon the paper until the image built up adequate depth and tonal value. Starting with the lightest of the pens all the structure/architecture was drawn out and then all the detail and out line was added to the shading, which outlined a base for all the detail that would go into the image. Then the artist progressively went over the parts where shade and tonal value were more prevalent using a combination of multiple layers, differences in pressure applied to the page and finally the darker pens to add those most prevalent shadows. After all the detail/shading was complete the outlines to all the edges of the structure would have been added using a fine liner pen. the detail in the shading is the most striking part of this image with a good understanding of shading and tonal value's been used by the artist especially on the back wall, bottom of the pillar and the man at the booth on the left. the only noticeable part of this image to suffer was the perspective, for example where the roof seems to go up into the air instead of joining up with the pillar/column.

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